Le domaine de la construction est en constante évolution, recherchant sans cesse des moyens d'accroître l'efficacité sur les chantiers. Dans cet esprit, notre entreprise propose une gamme innovante de robots de manutention pilotés à distance, spécialement conçus pour répondre aux exigences des travaux publics et du bâtiment.
Grâce à sa variété d'outils et d'accessoires, il s'adapte à une large gamme de métiers liés à la construction, au terrassement et au bâtiment. Il peut être utilisé comme chariot porteur, tracteur ou pousseur de charges lourdes, quel que soit le type de manutention nécessaire.
Ergonomisches Arbeiten und Wiegen, unverzichtbar für die nachhaltige Beschäftigungsfähigkeit des Personals. Eine gute Ergonomie sorgt nicht nur dafür, dass die Mitarbeiter keiner unnötigen körperlichen Belastung ausgesetzt werden, sondern auch dafür, dass die Arbeit leichter und damit angenehmer wird. RAVAS ist sich der Bedeutung der Ergonomie für Unternehmen bewusst und bringt ein neues und verbessertes Ergo Truck Modell auf den Markt.
Vollständig elektrisch
Es ist ein bekanntes Produkt aus der RAVAS-Produktpalette: der Ergo Truck. Als Spezialist für mobile Wiegetechnik weiß man wie kein anderer, wie sich die Technik jeden Tag weiterentwickelt. Deshalb hat RAVAS an einem noch besseren Modell eines Gabelhubwagens für ergonomische Arbeits- und Wiegeaufgaben gearbeitet. Der erneuerte und verbesserte Ergo Truck ist ideal für das Bewegen und Wiegen von schweren Paletten über kurze Distanzen. Sowohl der Antrieb als auch das Hebesystem sind elektrisch, so dass das Bücken
Padded jacket with multiple pockets. Made from resistant and durable twill fabric on the outside, smooth internal lining and padded filling for greater thermal retention. Double-layer high collar and full central zip hidden under the placket with metal snap closures for added warmth and comfort. Cuffs and waist with gathered internal elastic rubber that fits comfortably. Four front pockets with flap and velcro closure and an interior pocket with velcro to keep everything accessible, it also includes a pen compartment. Includes internal back zipper to facilitate customization of embroidery and transfers
Ideal for workwear and work uniform
composition:65%PES 35%CO 250GR/M2
2 poches poitrine devant dont une poche poitrine devant droite avec rabat et fermeture à bouton-pression
2 poches fendues et ouvertures latérales à la taille
Fermeture à pression sur le col et les poignets
Fermeture à glissière bidirectionnelle sur le devant et les jambes
2 grandes poches arrière
Poche à outils sur la jambe droite et boucle pour marteau sur la jambe gauche
Dos plissé et élastiques de chaque côté de la ceinture pour un meilleur ajustement et confort
Points d'arrêt à tous les points de tension
Entretien : Lavage industriel
au Canada et au Mexique
65% polyester / 35% coton,
Résistant au feu
Gilet da lavoro aziendale smanicato ed imbottito, personalizzato con logo - Gilet da lavoro aziendale 80% poliestere, 20% cotone, smanicato ed imbottito per stagione autunno-inverno, personalizzato con logo tramite ricamo, stampa, patch. Ampia gamma di colori, taglie a scelta, imbottitura in polyestere.
- Fodera in polyestere
- Profili rifrangenti
- Tasca sul petto con portabadge a scomparsa
- Doppie tasche con patta e chiusura in velcro
- Due tasche con zip e fodera rinforzata per utensili
- Tasca interna portafoglio con velcro
- Taschino interno portacellulare
- Elastico antivento nel giromanica
- Elastico stringifianchi
- Bottoni automatici in metallo
Minima quantita:no minimi (consigliati 10pz)
prezzi:a preventivo
Mit der C 52 können bis zu 2000 kg schwere Werkstücke in 5-Achsen simultan bearbeitet werden; selbstverständlich bei unschlagbarer Genauigkeit und Präzision. Attribute, die stets eine Herausforderung für die Maschinen-Dynamik sind. HERMLE hat sich diesen Anforderungen erneut gestellt und ein präzises und leistungsstarkes Bearbeitungszentrum entwickelt und konstruiert. Die C 52 ist das Nachfolgemodell der äusserst erfolgreichen C 50.
Auch bei der C 52 ist das Werkzeugmagazin integriert und lässt sich durch ein Zusatzmagazin bis auf 325 Plätze ausbauen.
Geschätzt im Automobilsektor –dank höchster Präzision
Die C 52 setzt neue Standards: Diese werden gerade in anspruchsvollen Branchen wie Maschinenbau, Automobilsektor oder in der Luft- und Raumfahrt geschätzt. Kurzum: überall dort, wo höchste Präzision und absolute Maschinenverfügbarkeit gefordert sind.
Modell der MT-Reihe Fräsen und Drehen in einer Aufspannung: C 52 U MT dynamic.
Verfahrwege X-Achse:1000 mm
Verfahrwege Y-Achse:1100 mm
Verfahrwege Z-Achse:750 mm
Eilgänge linear X-Y-Z:60-60-55 m/s²
Beschleunigung linear X-Y-Z:6 m/s²
Vorschubkraft linear X-Y-Z:16000 N
Maulweite max.:950 mm
Werkstückdurchmesser max.:MT: Ø 1000 mm 5-Achs: Ø 1100 mm
Werkstückhöhe max.:810 mm
Störkreis (A-Achse) in 0°-Position:Ø 1290 mm
Work trousers in twill fabric, 65% Polyester and 35% Cotton. Elastic waist and multiple pockets on the sides and back.
OPTION WITH LOGO (Embroidered or Printed) - no minimum quantity required
Request a quote through the form on this page or by sending an email to geral@bestgift.com.pt, where you can already attach your logo (in .pdf format).
Elastic waistband at the back
2 pockets at the waist
2 bellows pockets with flap and puller
2 back pockets with Velcro closure
Reinforced seams
Twill fabric
Composition: 65% Polyester and 35% Cotton, 240gr/m2
Vi har vores eget hærdningsværksted med nedkøling af materialet i et polymerbad eller i olie. Priserne afhænger af hærdedybde, vægt og moduler af de tandede artikler.
Vi hærder også andre metaldele.
Vi hærder delene i henhold til kundens specifikationer. Hærdning på op til 3,0 mm er ikke ualmindeligt hos vores værdsatte kunder. Vi leverer allerede til kolleger og kunder fra følgende sektorer: bilindustrien, specialmaskiner, brobyggeri osv
Der kan også udføres individuel hærdning af dine produkter.
Vær også opmærksom på vores andre tjenester og se vores virksomhedsprofil.
Zahnradwerk Pritzwalk påtager sig som selvstændig tandhjulsfabrik også produktionen af tandhjul, tandhjulsaksler, indvendige tandhjul, tandhjulskoblinger og flanger. Vi har produceret og hærdet med succes siden 1969 og leverer vores gearartikler til kendte virksomheder og tandhjulsfabrikanter.
Du er velkommen til at kontakte os.
Redécouvrez le vêtement de travail avec le pantalon FIT & WORK. Coupe ajustée et look tendance ; ce vêtement haut de gamme vous distingue de l’ordinaire tout en assurant sécurité, confort et modernité.
Compatible lavage industriel, le tissu utilisé permet une grande aisance de mouvement.
Le pantalon est disponible pour toutes les morphologies; la taille s’ajuste avec un réglage autonome par élastiques.
5 poches vous permettent de ranger vos affaires aussi bien à la cuisse que dans le dos.
En complément de leur aspect esthétique, des bandes rétro-réfléchissantes permettent de gagner en visibilité lorsqu’il fait sombre.
Disponible en deux nuances de gris, en marine et en khaki ou entièrement personnalisable sur demande.
Détail des matières :
65% Polyester / 35% Coton . 245 gr
60% Coton / 40% Polyester . 315 gr
Il peut être utilisé aussi bien pour du travail en extérieur que pour de la logistique, de la mécanique, etc.
Réglage de la taille:Par élastiques autonomes
Nombre de poches:5
Poches côté:Oui
Poche cuisse:Oui
Poche outil:Oui
Poche mètre:Oui
Poches dos:Oui
Bandes réfléchissantes:Oui
Hauteur des bandes réfléchissantes:18 mm
Matières:Majoritaire coton ou majoritaire polyester
Coloris:Gris foncé, Gris moyen, Marine, Khaki
Tailles:34 à 64
Lavage industiel:Oui
Le pliage et la soudure sont des étapes essentielles dans la fabrication de structures métalliques, et chez Ted-Tolerie, nous maîtrisons ces techniques pour offrir des produits de haute qualité. Nos services de pliage et de soudure sont réalisés par des professionnels expérimentés qui utilisent des équipements de pointe pour garantir des résultats précis et durables. Que vous ayez besoin de pièces simples ou de structures complexes, nous avons les compétences nécessaires pour répondre à vos besoins.
En choisissant nos services de pliage et de soudure, vous bénéficiez d'une expertise inégalée et d'un engagement envers la qualité. Nous travaillons avec une variété de matériaux, y compris l'acier, l'aluminium et l'inox, pour offrir des solutions adaptées à vos projets. Faites confiance à Ted-Tolerie pour des services de pliage et de soudure qui répondent à vos attentes et contribuent au succès de vos projets.
The GM003-204 School Chair is a top-quality seating option designed for durability, comfort, and functionality in educational settings. Featuring a resilient Werzalit seat and backrest, this chair is perfect for classrooms, study halls, and other school environments where sturdy, reliable furniture is essential. The Werzalit seat and backrest ensure excellent durability and resistance to wear, making it ideal for everyday use in busy school environments. The GM003-204 School Chair is ergonomically designed to support students’ posture during long periods of sitting. The contoured Werzalit seat and backrest provide superior comfort, helping students stay focused and comfortable throughout the day. Built with a sturdy steel frame, the GM003-204 offers reliable support and stability. Its robust construction ensures that the chair can endure years of use, making it an excellent investment for any educational institution. The smooth Werzalit surface is easy to clean, making this chair a low-maintenance option for schools. Its durable material resists stains and scratches, ensuring it looks great even after heavy use. With its durable Werzalit seat and backrest, the GM003-204 School Chair is a perfect blend of style, comfort, and durability, offering long-lasting performance in any educational setting.
Üçes Makina olarak, CNC torna hizmetlerimiz ile farklı sektörlerin hassas parça üretim ihtiyaçlarını karşılıyoruz. Modern CNC torna makinelerimiz, yüksek hassasiyet ve kalite gerektiren karmaşık geometrilere sahip parçaları işlemek için tasarlanmıştır. Savunma sanayi, otomotiv, medikal cihazlar, havacılık ve enerji sektörlerine yönelik çözümler sunan firmamız, çelik, alüminyum, paslanmaz çelik, titanyum ve plastik gibi çeşitli malzemeleri işleyebilmektedir.
Üretim süreçlerimiz ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun olarak yönetilmekte olup, uzman ekibimiz her projede mükemmel sonuçlar elde etmek için çalışmaktadır. CNC tornalama hizmetlerimiz, prototipten seri üretime kadar geniş bir yelpazede hizmet sunar ve müşteri ihtiyaçlarına göre özelleştirilebilir. Hassas işleme, zamanında teslimat ve kaliteli üretim ile Üçes Makina, CNC torna çözümlerinde güvenilir bir iş ortağıdır.
Der Exovation 1SN Hydraulikschlauch ist ein Nieder- und Mitteldruckschlauch, der für den Einsatz mit Mineralölen, Wasser, Ölen auf Polyglykol- und Synthetik-Esterbasis, Wasser-Öl-Emulsionen und Rapsöl optimiert wurde. Er bietet eine beeindruckende Ozonbeständigkeit von 150 Stunden und eine Abriebfestigkeit von 0,5 g, was seine Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unterstreicht. Seine robuste Konstruktion sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer und minimiert das Risiko von Ausfällen.
Mit einer Betriebstemperatur von -40°C bis +100°C ist der Exovation 1SN Hydraulikschlauch für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet. Er ist besonders widerstandsfähig gegen chemische Einflüsse und bietet eine hohe Flexibilität, was ihn zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für moderne Hydrauliksysteme macht. Seine Fähigkeit, hohen Drücken standzuhalten, macht ihn zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil jeder industriellen Ausrüstung.
Preparation table made of AISI304 satin stainless steel;
Table dimensions:
Length: 1200mm – 1800mm;
Width: 700 mm;
Height: 850 mm;
Polyethylene top, non-absorbent, along the length of the table;
Exhaust hole;
Drain grate with collection tank;
Rim height; 100 mm;
Cover panels;
Legs made of rectangular stainless steel tube: 40*40*1.5mm, adjustable in height;
Argon welded joints.
Platforma robocza VWP150 to idealne rozwiązanie dla osób poszukujących wytrzymałego i niezawodnego sprzętu do pracy na wysokościach. Konstrukcja wykonana z rur stalowych zapewnia trwałość i stabilność, co jest kluczowe podczas wykonywania zadań wymagających precyzji. Platforma jest odpowiednia dla jednej osoby, a jej stalowa podstawa w kratkę zapewnia dodatkowe bezpieczeństwo. Dodatkowo, platforma jest dostarczana z łańcuchem zabezpieczającym oraz wyposażona w skrzynkę narzędziową, co czyni ją niezwykle praktycznym narzędziem w codziennej pracy.
Dzięki obróbce powierzchniowej w postaci malowania proszkowego RAL, platforma jest odporna na korozję i uszkodzenia mechaniczne, co zwiększa jej żywotność. Opcjonalne koła na zamówienie umożliwiają łatwe przemieszczanie platformy w miejscu pracy, co jest szczególnie przydatne w dynamicznych środowiskach roboczych. VWP150 to doskonały wybór dla firm poszukujących solidnego i funkcjonalnego sprzętu do pracy na wysokościach.
Chez Attractive Scent, le contrôle et la qualité sont au cœur de notre engagement envers l'excellence. Notre département de contrôle et qualité est équipé d'outils analytiques de pointe, tels que le couplage GC/MS, pour garantir que chaque ingrédient et chaque produit fini respecte nos normes strictes. Ce processus rigoureux nous permet de détecter et de corriger toute déviation par rapport à nos spécifications, assurant ainsi une qualité constante et irréprochable.
Notre équipe de professionnels expérimentés travaille sans relâche pour maintenir les standards les plus élevés, en effectuant des contrôles systématiques à chaque étape de la production. Que ce soit pour des matières premières ou des produits finis, notre engagement envers la qualité est inébranlable. En choisissant Attractive Scent, vous choisissez une marque qui place la qualité et la satisfaction du client au premier plan.
El corte por láser es una técnica avanzada que permite realizar cortes precisos y de alta calidad en una variedad de materiales. Este proceso utiliza un rayo láser de alta potencia para cortar materiales como acero, aluminio y otros metales, ofreciendo una solución eficiente y rápida para proyectos industriales. La tecnología de corte por láser es ideal para aplicaciones que requieren precisión y acabados impecables, lo que la convierte en una opción preferida para muchas industrias.
En Luger, utilizamos máquinas de corte por láser de última generación que garantizan resultados excepcionales. Nuestra capacidad para cortar piezas de grandes dimensiones con precisión milimétrica nos permite satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes más exigentes. Además, el corte por láser es un proceso limpio y seguro, que minimiza el desperdicio de material y reduce el tiempo de producción, lo que se traduce en un ahorro significativo de costos para nuestros clientes.
The Swan Office Chair is a perfect blend of style and functionality, designed to enhance any workspace with its sleek and modern aesthetic. Crafted with high-quality materials, this chair offers exceptional comfort and support, making it ideal for long hours of work. Its ergonomic design ensures proper posture, reducing strain on your back and neck, while the adjustable features allow you to customize the chair to your specific needs. Whether you're working from home or in a corporate office, the Swan Office Chair is a must-have for anyone seeking a comfortable and stylish seating solution.
In addition to its ergonomic benefits, the Swan Office Chair is also a statement piece that adds a touch of elegance to any office environment. Its contemporary design is complemented by a range of color options, allowing you to choose the perfect match for your decor. The chair's durable construction ensures it will withstand the test of time, providing you with a reliable seating option for years to come. With its combination of comfort, style, and durability, the Swan Office Chair is an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve their workspace.
Nossos serviços de corte e gravação a laser para tubos oferecem precisão e eficiência incomparáveis, tornando-os ideais para uma ampla gama de aplicações industriais. Utilizando tecnologia avançada de fibra laser 3D, conseguimos realizar cortes e gravações de alta precisão em vários tubos metálicos, incluindo aço inoxidável, alumínio, latão, cobre e aço carbono. Este serviço é perfeito para indústrias que exigem designs intrincados e especificações exatas, garantindo que cada projeto seja executado com a máxima precisão e qualidade.
Ao escolher nossos serviços de corte e gravação a laser, você se beneficia do nosso compromisso com a inovação e a excelência. Nossa equipe de especialistas está dedicada a transformar suas ideias em realidade, fornecendo soluções que atendem às suas necessidades específicas. Seja você um projeto de pequena escala ou uma grande empreitada industrial, nossa tecnologia de ponta e profissionais qualificados garantem resultados que superam as expectativas. Experimente o futuro da metalurgia com nossos serviços de corte e gravação a laser de última geração.
Discover the art of personalization with Holmeia, a brand that puts you in control of your style. Our online store offers a wide range of items that can be customized to your liking, allowing you to express your individuality through fashion. With a young and dynamic team, Holmeia provides personalized accompaniment at every stage of production, ensuring that your vision is brought to life with precision and care. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in every piece, with garments that are tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a unique gift or want to create something special for yourself, Holmeia offers endless possibilities for personalization. Experience the joy of wearing clothing that truly reflects who you are, and join the growing community of satisfied customers who have embraced the Holmeia way of fashion.
The Central/Excentric Concealed Channel is designed for optimal floor integration, featuring a one-piece central/excentric concealed channel for floor recessing with a 10 mm wide drainage groove and a flap with a height that can vary from 0 to 75 mm. Classified as class A15 according to EN124:1995, it is suitable for indoor and outdoor areas used exclusively by pedestrians and cyclists. This channel combines aesthetics with hydraulic capacity, offering a reliable solution for efficient drainage. Made from galvanized sheet metal or AISI 304 stainless steel, it is available in standard catalogue sizes or can be customized to meet specific customer requirements, providing a versatile solution for drainage needs.
The Central/Excentric Concealed Channel offers a seamless blend of functionality and design, ensuring efficient drainage while maintaining a sleek appearance. Its innovative design allows for seamless integration into flooring, providing a discreet yet effective drainage solution. This channel is an excellent choice for projects requiring reliable drainage solutions that do not compromise on aesthetics. With its customizable options, it provides flexibility and adaptability, ensuring it meets the unique requirements of each installation.
La nostra macchina da taglio è progettata per il taglio della lamiera con precisione ed efficienza. Il suo design avanzato consente tagli puliti senza distorsioni, rendendola ideale per varie applicazioni. Questa macchina è adatta sia per operazioni su piccola scala che su larga scala, offrendo versatilità nella produzione. Con la sua costruzione durevole e facile da usare, la macchina da taglio è uno strumento essenziale per qualsiasi officina di lavorazione dei metalli.
Durable and comfortable jackets designed for industrial work environments, providing protection and flexibility. Twill fabirc 200gr 65% Poly. 35% Cotton. Tailored made to your needs: Standard and Technical fabrics, fiber composition, colors and further customazation. Sizes 32 to 60 Send us a message!
We provide cnc Turning parts with a high precision and speed according to drawings requests. We design and process pieces in a unique quantity but also in series with high precision. ( steel, stainless steel , aluminium, Pom C, PEHD, PEEK)
Eastman’s hot-dip galvanizing service offers excellent corrosion protection for steel products, ensuring durability in harsh environments. This cost-effective solution provides long-lasting resistance to rust and wear, ideal for outdoor and industrial applications.
150-250 tph Riverstone Crushing and Screening Plants are specialized facilities designed to process Riverstones into high-quality stone aggregates within a throughput capacity range of 150 to 250 tons per hour. These plants consist of essential components such as primary crushing equipment, screening machinery, and conveyors tailored to handle Riverstone materials efficiently. The primary crushing stage involves crushers like jaw crushers, cone crushers, or impact crushers that break down large Riverstones into smaller fragments, preparing them for subsequent processing within the specified throughput capacity. Following primary crushing, the material is directed to screening equipment, such as vibrating screens, which classify the Riverstone aggregates into different fractions based on size requirements. This meticulous screening process ensures that the final aggregates meet stringent quality standards necessary for various construction, landscaping, and industrial applications.
150 tons:250 tons